Love is patient, love is kind. - 1 Corinthians

Friday, January 8, 2010

The its final stage

Ok, so we finally got Emerson's name blocks that I made on the wall last night. So, here is how the nursery looks today.

And here is how I made the name blocks... with the help of my incredible friend, Heather and her mom, (who did the hard part of cutting everything out) I got to do the easy part and just put them together.

First, I got 10x10 wood blocks and painted the edges

Then I arranged the letters and the dots on the white paper, which was already mod podged to the block

Add the monkeys and the stripes

Another view of all the paper pieces

And then the final product!

Attached ribbon to the back and used a decorative push pin to hold it the wall.


  1. wow! What a project! It turned out so cute though. I love it!

  2. That is the cutest baby room I have ever seen. I am impressed! Emerson is getting so big. He looks just like David! CUTIE!
