Just yesterday afternoon David and I were going through the little videos we had taken of Emerson on our Flip video recorder. I was tearing up just looking at how small Emerson used to be and saying it seemed like those moments happened SO LONG ago...he is only 6.5 months!
Not long after I was sitting on the ground with him and moved him away from me (about 5 feet) and held up a toy that he was eying. And what do you know, the little bug army-crawled his way over to it!! I was elated and so was David. We have been watching him grow up and making all these small accomplishments it is so hard to think he was just a tiny baby sitting in his bouncer all swaddled and sleeping only 1 month ago! We have so many more milestones to be a witness to, it will be thrilling for all of them! Now, we just have to focus on making sure the house is cleaned up enough that is able to keep on being mobile.
And the next time I tempt him with a toy, the Flip will be readily available as well so I can share his new movement with all of you!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Isn't it amazing to watch their growth?